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Our experience

  • Demand side optimization of energy use in several industries such as chemical, petrochemical, food processing, textiles, man-made fibre etc

  • Supply side design and optimization of steam, power, co-generation, chilled water systems and other such utilities

  • Process design and implementation across industries such as power, biofuels, waste-to-energy, renewables, waste management (solids, waste water and industrial)

  • Project development, structuring and funding in renewables and biofuels

  • Operations and management of projects in various sectors

  • Business turnaround of projects in the power, renewables and biofuels sectors

  • Business start ups in these sectors

  • Project management consulting

  • Market entry strategy and implementation for several capital equipment, with localization of content in various countries

  • Build Operate Transfer(BOT), Build Own Operate (BOO) solutions

XergyGlobal.com - energy in equilibrium - technology, feasibility, development, management - email exergy@xergyglobal.com